This training course is intended to reach all investigators and administrators who have obtained NIH Career Development K-Award funding. From the grant management perspective, many situations are not black and white and not all post-award questions are answered in the NIH Grant Policy Statement.
The terms of K-awards vary from program to program, from agency to agency, and even from award to award. Therefore, the terms of the individual K-awards should govern the administration of these types of awards.

The K-Award recipient is ultimately responsible for adhering to the terms and conditions of the K-Award.

The goal of this training course is to identify common pitfalls associated with managing a K-Award and to provide some guidance on how to avoid compliance issues in administering your award.

This course is only available online via the Learning Management System (LMS).  To locate this course, browse the LMS catalog for GC401.

OSP offers weekly Open Labs to address any question you may have about the sponsored project process at UIC.   These sessions are fully customizable to your needs and designed to provide one-on-one assistance on a range of topics which may include:

  • OSPWeb
  • myResearch Portal
  • OSP forms
  • Budget creation
  • Other questions related to the Proposal or Contract process

Open Labs are available in AOB at 1737 West Polk Street.  Please indicate the topic you would like to discuss on the RSVP form.

If you would like to schedule a customized small group session on a different day of the week or time of day or if you have any questions, please contact Peggy Diskin at mmcand1@uic.edu.

This Box folder includes copies of guidance & resources shared by the Office of Sponsored Programs. It also houses resources developed by units on campus such as budget templates, effort calculators, etc. You can share additional tools and resources by contacting kristens@uic.edu.