Research Development Training

A number of training opportunities to enhance investigators' skills for securing funding for research are available across UIC's campus. In particular, the Center for Clinical and Translational Science offers an excellent suite of training resources for investigators at all career stages. A sample of training opportunities is here; please contact Research Development if you offer a research-related training opportunity you would like included in our list.
Training Opportunities for Investigators Heading link
Finding Funding with Pivot
Getting Started with Pivot
The Office of Research Development provides an introductory 45-minute webinar and accompanying slide deck for UIC personnel. Additional getting started resources are publicly available from Ex Libris (the publisher of Pivot-RP).
Customized Pivot Workshops for UIC Groups
Research Development also offers customized workshops on finding funding using Pivot. These sessions can be geared toward faculty seeking their own funding or administrative staff who search for funding opportunities for others. Contact Research Development to schedule a session.
Setting Up Single Sign-On (SSO) with Pivot
For Current Pivot Users (already have a Pivot User ID [UIC email address] and Pivot password)
You will sign in to Pivot with your existing Pivot credentials and link your account to your UIC identity. The following instructions are also available as a job aid with screenshots.
- Go to
- Log in the Sign in using your Pivot-RP Account section using your existing Pivot credentials, which are your email address and password for Pivot. (Do not use the “Access Pivot-RP using your Institution’s Credentials (Shibboleth)” option yet!) You can use the “Forgot Password?” option, if needed.
- Once you are signed in to Pivot, your name and a dropdown menu triangle will appear in the upper right corner of the page. Click the dropdown menu triangle and select Change account info.
- In the Shibboleth section of the resulting page, choose “University of Illinois at Chicago” from the list and click Associate Account.
- A message should pop up indicating you have now associated your existing Pivot credentials with your UIC credentials. From here on out, you can log in to Pivot either way – with your Pivot User ID and password -or- using UIC SSO. If you encounter any difficulties with this process, please contact the Office of Research Development at for assistance.
For New Pivot Users (have never had a Pivot User ID or Pivot password)
You will sign in to Pivot using SSO right from the start. You do not need to create a Pivot-RP Account. The following instructions are also available as a job aid with screenshots.
- Go to
- Log in the Access Pivot-RP using your Institution’s Credentials (Shibboleth) section and select “University of Illinois at Chicago” from the list.
- You will be redirected to the standard UIC login page. Enter your NetID and Password, then click Log in.
- Complete all the items listed in the Finish creating your Pivot-RP Account section and click Get Started.
- You will be prompted to claim your Pivot-RP profile. This is a profile of your works and areas of expertise that Pivot generates from publicly-available data. It is recommended that you View Match(es) & Claim Profile at this point. (Pivot may identify more than one possible match for you.) If you prefer, you can Skip & Claim later.
- Once you have claimed your profile (or chosen to skip that step), the Pivot dashboard page should appear. From here on out, this is the page you will see right after you sign in to Pivot using SSO. When you are finished with your Pivot session, it is a good practice to Sign out, which is an option in the menu that appears when you mouse over the triangle in the upper right corner of the dashboard. If you encounter any difficulties with Pivot, please contact the Office of Research Development at for assistance.
CCTS Persuasive Grant Writing Workshop
The Center for Clinical and Translational Science offers a two-session Persuasive Grant Writing Workshop that teaches participants to analyze how common writing challenges are tackled in funded grant proposals and other successful scientific writing. Successful samples are examined as models for writing techniques that can be applied. This program is designed for junior faculty.
NIH K Awards
CCTS hosts a weekly facilitated peer-to-peer support group for postdocs and junior faculty who are plan to submit NIH career (K) award grants. Each group forms approximately 4 months prior to the following NIH K deadline (June/October/February).
Career and Professional Development for Postdocs
The Office of Postdoctoral Affairs offers a number of resources and training opportunities specifically for postdocs to develop their research and grant preparation skills.
Your Future in Science Seminar Series
“Your Future in Science” seminar series covers topics about different career options as well as professional skills needed for career success. The series is designed for graduate students and post-doctoral fellows.
Seminars are held on the 3rd Thursday of each month from 12:00pm-1:00pm; location may vary.