Proposal Submission Contacts
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Please contact Kristen Scheurich (312-996-6056) with any questions related to your assignment.
Department Primary Contact Phone Academic Affairs - Pharmacy Gavyn Ryan Academic Affairs (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Academic Center for Excellence Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Accounting Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Administration & Gen Exp (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Administration & General Exp (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Administration (Basic Science) Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Administration (Cancer Center) Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Administration (Clinical Science) Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Administration (College of Medicine - Chicago) Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 African American Academic Network Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 African American Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Ambulatory Pharmacy Services Gavyn Ryan Anatomy and Cell Biology Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Anesthesiology Isabella DiFranzo Anthropology Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Applied Health Sciences Admin Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Arab American Cultural Center Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Arch, Design, & the Arts Admin Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Arch,Design,& Arts Gen Expenses Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Army Rsrch Lab Collaborative Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Art Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Art and Art History Admin Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Art History Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Asian Amer Res/Cultural Center Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Asian Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Biochem & Molecular Genetics Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Bioengineering-Engineering Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Bioengineering-Medicine Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Biologic Resources Laboratory Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Biological Sciences Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Biomed & Health Info Sciences Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Biomedical Science (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Building Maintenance Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Business Administration Admini Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Campus Learning Environments Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Campus Parking Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Cancer Biology & Pharmacology Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Cancer Center Sponsored Research Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Cancer Prevention & Control Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Capital Programs - Chicago Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Career Services Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 CBA - Undergraduate Programs Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Center for Global Health Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Central Costs Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 CHANCE Program Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Chemical Engineering Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Chemistry Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Chicago Drug Discover & Devpt Gavyn Ryan Children's Centers Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 City Design Center Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Civil Materials Engineering Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Classics & Mediterranian Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Clinical & Research Data Sciences and Dissemination Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Clinical Trials Office Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Coll Pharmacy Ofc of the Dean Gavyn Ryan Collaborative Rsrch Pharm Sci Gavyn Ryan Commencement Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Commty Outreach Intervent Proj Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Communication Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Community Health Sciences Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Computer Science Isabella Difranzo Council on Teacher Education Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Crimminology, Law, and Justice Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Ctr Clinical Translational Sci Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Ctr for Adv Desgn, Res & Explor Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Ctr for Adv Dist Educ Pub Hlth Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Ctr for Biomolecular Sciences Gavyn Ryan Ctr for Cardiovascular Res Gavyn Ryan Ctr for Craniofacial Anomalies Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Ctr for Lung & Vascular Biology Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Ctr for Magnetic Resonance Rsc Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Ctr for Molec Biol of Oral Dis Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Ctr for Public Safety&Justice Isabella Difranzo Ctr for Rsch on Women & Gender Isabella Difranzo Ctr for Rsch-Law/Crim Justice Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Ctr for Social Policy & Rsrch Isabella Difranzo Ctr for Urban Economic Devel Isabella Difranzo Ctr for Urban Educ Rsrch & Dev Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Ctr Health Outcomes Research (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Ctr Pharm Epi Pharm Econ Gavyn Ryan Cure Violence Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Curriculum and Instruction Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Dean of Student Affairs Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Dean's Office (Law School) Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Dental Clinics Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Dentistry Administration Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Dentistry-UHP Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Dermatology Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Dermatology (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Disability & Human Development Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Discovery Partners Institute-UA-C Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Div of Specializ Care for Chil Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Doctor of Pub Health Program Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 DOM Academic Internal Medicine & Geriatrics Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 DOM Administration Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 DOM Allergy Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 DOM Breath Center Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 DOM Cardiology Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 DOM Center for Dissemination and Implementation Gavyn Ryan DOM Endocrinology Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 DOM Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metab Isabella DiFranzo DOM Gastroenterology and Hepatology-C Gavyn Ryan DOM Geriatric Medicine Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 DOM Hematology/Oncology Gavyn Ryan DOM Heptology Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 DOM Infectious Diseases Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 DOM Inst for Minority Hlth Research Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 DOM Inst for Personalized Res Med Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 DOM Nephrology Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 DOM Pulmonary, Crl Care, Slp, Allgy Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 DOM Rheumatology Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Earth & Environmental Sciences Gavyn Ryan Economics Isabella DiFranzo Education Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Education Admin Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Educational Policy Studies Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Educational Psychology Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Electrical & Computer Engr Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Emergency Medicine Gavyn Ryan Emergency Medicine (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Endodontics Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Energy Resources Center Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Engineering Admin Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 English Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Environmental Health & Safety Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Environmtl & Occuptnl Hlth Sci Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Epidemiology and Biostatistics Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Facilities Management Admin Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Faculty Senate Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Family and Community Medicine (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Family and Community Medicine (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Family Medicine Isabella DiFranzo Fellowship Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Finance Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 French and Francophone Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 -
Department Primary Contact Phone GC Urban Data Vis Prog & Lab Isabella Difranzo - Gender & Sexuality Center Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Gender and Women's Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Germanic Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Govt Finance Research Ctr Isabella Difranzo - Graduate Admin Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Graduate College-UHP Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Graduate Medical Education Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Great Cities Institute Isabella Difranzo - -
Department Primary Contact Phone Health Policy & Administration Alejandro Mercado 312-996-1975 Health Sciences Ed (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Health Sciences Ed (College of Medicine - Rockford) Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Health Systems Science Kristen Scheurich
Healthy Cities Collaborative Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Hispanic and Italian Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 History Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Hull House Museum Kristen Scheurich
Human Nutrition Kristen Scheurich
Humanities Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Information/Decision Sciences Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Inst for Hlth Research&Policy Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Inst for Res on Race & Pub Pol Isabella DiFranzo Inst on Disability & Human Dev Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Inst Policy & Civic Engagement Isabella DiFranzo Inst/Environmntl Sci & Policy Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Institute for the Humanities Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Institute for Tuberculosis Research Gavyn Ryan Intercollegiate Athletics Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Internal Medicine (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 -
Department Primary Contact Phone James Woodworth Prarie Presv Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Jane Addams Social Work Isabella DiFranzo - JD Experiential Education-C (2-361) Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Kinesiology and Nutrition Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Language and Cultural Lrng Ctr Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 LARES Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 LAS Administration Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 LAS General Expenses Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 LAS Social Science Research Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 LAS Student Affairs Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Latin American & Latino Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Latino Cultural Center Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Law-C Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Learning Sciences Res Inst Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Library Courses Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Linguistics Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Literature, Cult & Ling Admin Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Literature, Cult & Ling Course Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Managerial Studies Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Math, Statistics, & Comp Scnc Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Mechanical & Industrial Engr Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Med & Medical Specialties (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Medical Education Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Medicinal Chem & Pharmacognosy Gavyn Ryan Medicine-UHP Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Microbiology and Immunology Gavyn Ryan Midwest AIDS Training + Education Center (MATEC) Isabella DiFranzo Mile Square Health Center Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Music Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Nathalie P. Voorhees Program Isabella DiFranzo - Native American Studies Pgm Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Native American Support Progrm Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Natl Ctr for Rural Health Prof (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Natural Science Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Neurological Surgery Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Neurology (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Neurology and Rehab Medicine Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Neurosurgery (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Nursing Administration Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Nursing-UHP Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Obstetrics & Gynecology Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Obstetrics & Gynecology (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Obstetrics & Gynecology (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Occupational Therapy Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Ofc Global Health Leadership Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Ofc of Academic Programs-Nurs Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Ofc of Instr Resource Develop Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Ofc of Intl Affairs Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Ofc of Professionl Development Gavyn Ryan - Ofc of the Chancellor Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Ofc Research Facilitation Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Office for Access and Equity Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Office of Diversity Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Office of Sustainability Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Office Student Financial Aid Scholarships Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Office Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Ophthalmology & Visual Sci (Clinical Trials) Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Ophthalmology & Visual Sci Lab7-C Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Oral Biology Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Oral Medicine and Diag Sci Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Orthodontics Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Orthopaedic Surgery Gavyn Ryan - Otolaryngology Isabella DiFranzo - -
Department Primary Contact Phone Pathology Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Pathology (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Pathology (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Pediatric Dentistry Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Pediatrics Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Pediatrics (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Pediatrics (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Periodontics Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Pharmaceutical Sciences Gavyn Ryan - Pharmacology Gavyn Ryan - Pharmacy Gavyn Ryan - Pharmacy Advancement Gavyn Ryan - Pharmacy Practice Gavyn Ryan - Pharmacy Syst,Outcomes &Policy Gavyn Ryan - Pharmacy-UHP Gavyn Ryan - Philosophy Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Physical Med & Rehab (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Physical Plant Oper (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Physical Plant Operations (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Physical Therapy Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Physics Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Physiology and Biophysics Gavyn Ryan Planning & Programs Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Political Science Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Population Health Sciences Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Positive Health Solutions (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Postgrad & Teacher Educ Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Practice, Policy &Partnerships Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Prog in Global Asian Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Psychiatry Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Psychiatry & Behavioral Med (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Psychiatry (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Psychology Isabella DiFranzo - Public Administration Isabella DiFranzo - Public Health Undergrad Prog Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Public Health-UHP Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Radiology Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Radiology (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Reg Nursing Prog: Quad Cities Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Reg Nursing Program: Peoria Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Reg Nursing Program: Rockford Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Reg Nursing Program: Springfld Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Reg Nursing Program: Urbana Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Reg Pharmacy Program: Rockford Gavyn Ryan - Religious Studies Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Res Portfolio 1 Gavyn Ryan - Res Portfolio 2 Gavyn Ryan - Res Portfolio 3 Gavyn Ryan - Res Portfolio 4 Gavyn Ryan - Research Centers Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Research Labs (Cancer Center) Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Research Programs (Cancer Center) Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Research Resources Center Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Restorative Dentistry Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 -
Department Primary Contact Phone School of Architecture Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 School of Art and Design Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 School of Design Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 School of Public Health Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 School of Public Health Admin Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 Slavic & Baltic Lang & Lit Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Social Justice Initiative Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Social Sciences Courses Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Sociology Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Softech Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Special Education Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Special Projects Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 Student Affairs Gavyn Ryan Student Affairs-Counseling Services Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Student Development Services Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Surg/Surgical Specialties (College of Medicine - Rockford) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Surgery Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Surgery (College of Medicine - Peoria) Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Surgical Oncology Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Survey Research Laboratory Isabella DiFranzo - -
Department Primary Contact Phone Testing Services Juan Tamparillas 312-355-0446 Theatre Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Theatre & Music Administration Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Theatre and Music Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 TRIO Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Trucks & Cars Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 -
Department Primary Contact Phone UHP Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 UHP - Early Outreach Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 UIC Innovation Center Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 UIC Technology Management Chelsea Matthews 312-355-3874 University Library Kristen Scheurich 312-996-6056 University Police Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Urban & Public Affairs Program Isabella DiFranzo Urban Health Program Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Urban Planning &Public Affairs Isabella DiFranzo - Urban Planning and Policy Isabella DiFranzo - Urban Transportation Center Isabella DiFranzo - Urology Isabella DiFranzo - -
Department Primary Contact Phone Vice President for Academic Affairs Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Vice Chancellor for Research Mike Anderson 312-996-2243 Vice President Undergrad Affairs & Academic Programs Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 Vice Provost Faculty Affairs Jen Thennes 312-355-0802 -
Department Primary Contact Phone Women, Child,& Family Hlth Sci Lindsay Thobe 312-996-0783 Women's Leadership & Research Center Jen Thennes 312-355-0802