Forms Heading link
All documents (and, where necessary, the appropriate intake form) to be processed by The Office of Sponsored Programs should be submitted via either MyProposals or OSPWeb. Clarification between myProposals submissions and OSPWeb submissions can be found here. Visit our OSP Open Labs page to sign up for training opportunities on using myProposals, myResearch Portal, or OSPWeb.
Sponsored Programs will NOT execute any agreement with an external entity until all compliance approvals (IRB, Animal, Special Agents, COI, etc.) have been granted by the appropriate university office.
It is HIGHLY recommended to begin working on compliance approvals as soon as possible to avoid long delays in the execution of your award!
Forms Heading link
Forms Heading link
Proposal Templates
Proposal Budget Template Common Agreement Templates
UIC Sponsored Research Agreement Template Outgoing Material Transfer Agreement to Non-Profit Organizations Outgoing Material Transfer Agreement to For-Profit Organizations Uniform Biological Material Transfer Agreement (UBMTA) FDP Data Transfer and Use Agreement
- Please complete Attachments 1 and 3 prior to submission to OSPWeb. Attachment 2 will be inserted by OSP upon review.Confidential Disclosure Agreement Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (ACTA) Investigator-Initiated Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (PI Initiated ACTA) Outgoing Subaward Packages
Other Agreement Templates
SBIR/STTR Cooperative Research Agreement Technical Testing Agreement -
Submission forms for Sponsored Programs through OSPWeb
Intake Form: Incoming Material Transfer Agreements (include agreement) Intake Form: Outgoing Material Transfer Agreements (include agreement) Intake Form: Data Use Agreements (include agreement) Intake Form: Confidential Disclosure Agreements (include agreement)
Intake Form: No Money Agreements (i.e., Master Agreements, MOUs, collaborations - include agreement) Disclosure of IP and Publication Rights (IP) form (include with sponsor agreements) Change in F&A Allocation Non-Competing Continuation Progress Report Change in Organization Code Change of Investigator Forms and Sites for Post-award Sponsored Programs
Other Sponsored Programs Forms