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Federal Employer ID No.37-6000511
HHS Entity ID No.1-376000511-A5
US Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs (Department of State) No. 1-376000511-J4
US Dept of Ed Entity No.1-376000511-A7
Unique Entity IdentifierW8XEAJDKMXH3
DUNS Identification No.098987217
NSF Institutional Code80010000
CAGE (Commercial and Government Entity) Code1YGW1
FICE (Federal Interagency Committee on Education Code1776
UIC Human Subjects Assurance No. (effective through 05/26/28)FWA00000083
UI College of Medicine at Peoria Human Subjects Assurance No. (effective through 12/6/26)FWA00005172
Ul College of Medicine at Rockford Human Subjects Assurance No. (effective through 10/20/26)FWA00005607
UIC Animal Welfare Assurance No. (effective 5/10/23 to 4/30/27)D16-00290 (A3460-01)
UI College of Medicine at Peoria Animal Welfare Assurance No.A3744-01
Ul College of Medicine at Rockford Animal Welfare Assurance No.A3672-01
Contract Establishment Code13188447A
Illinois Department of Human Rights (IDHR) (effective through 05/06/27)110427-00

A printable version of the following table can be found here:

Printable Standard Institutional Information
