About Heading link

All documents (and, where necessary, the appropriate intake form) to be processed by The Office of Sponsored Programs should be submitted via either MyProposals or OSPWeb.  Clarification between myProposals submissions and OSPWeb submissions can be found here. Visit our OSP Open Labs page to sign up for training opportunities on using myProposals, myResearch Portal, or OSPWeb.

Sponsored Programs will NOT execute any agreement with an external entity until all compliance approvals (IRB, Animal, Special Agents, COI, etc.) have been granted by the appropriate university office.  

It is HIGHLY recommended to begin working on compliance approvals as soon as possible to avoid long delays in the execution of your award!


Template and Forms Heading link


Proposal Templates

Proposal Budget Template

Outgoing Subaward Packages

Subawards Governed by UGSubaward Contracts Governed by FAR
FDP Cost Reimbursement Subaward (updated: March, 2024)Federal Contract Subaward (updated: July, 2024)
FDP Foreign Cost Reimbursement Subaward (updated: March, 2024)Federal Contract Subaward Amendment (updated: February, 2023)
FDP Fixed Rate Clinical Research Subaward (updated: February, 2023)Federal Contract Attachments (updated: July, 2024)
FDP Cost Reimbursement Clinical Research Subaward (updated: February, 2023)
FDP Subaward Amendment (updated: March, 2024)
Subaward Initiation Form (updated: February, 2023)
Non-FDP Subaward Template (updated: February, 2023)
Non-FDP Subaward Amendment Template (updated: February, 2023)
Other Attachments & Templates
Attachment 3A3B Contacts & Highly Compensated Officers (updated: March, 2024)
Completed Attachment 3B - University of Illinois as Subrecipient (updated: November, 2024)
Attachment 4 Reporting & Prior Approval Terms (updated: February, 2021)
Attachment 5 SOW, Cost Share, Indirects, Budget (updated: February, 2021)
Other Subaward Forms - Less frequently used templates

Web Portals Heading link