Receiving Award Heading link

Sponsored Programs contract negotiators will review all agreement terms and conditions to ensure compliance with Federal and State laws, sponsor guidelines, and the General Rules Concerning University Organization and Procedure. The negotiators will engage with other campus units (such as University Counsel, Risk Management, OSP Management, and the Vice Chancellor for Research) as necessary on problematic terms and conditions. Negotiators will also coordinate with the PI and department on any project-related issues, including compliance approvals.
Sponsored Programs will NOT execute any agreement until all compliance approvals (IRB, Animal, Special Agents, COI, etc.) have been granted by the appropriate university office.
It is HIGHLY recommended to begin working on compliance approvals as soon as possible to avoid long delays in the execution of your award.
All agreements (and, where necessary, the appropriate intake form) to be processed by The Office of Sponsored Programs should be submitted via either MyProposals or OSPWeb. Clarification between myProposals submissions and OSPWeb submissions can be found here. Visit our OSP Open Labs page to sign up for training opportunities on using myProposals, myResearch Portal, or OSPWeb.
Tiles Heading link
Manage Award Heading link

Managing the regulatory and fiduciary responsibilities of sponsored research funds can be a complex undertaking. Our goal is to provide business managers, Principal Investigators and other awardees with information and tools that will encourage and facilitate proper stewardship of grant funds.
Manage Award Heading link
Closeout Award Heading link

The last step in the grant and contract’s life cycle is Award Closeout. Award Closeout is the final reconciliation and reporting of expenses and activities. This involves reviewing project expenditures, resolving open commitments, ensuring subcontract invoices have been received and paid, removal of unallowable cost including overdrafts and preparing required final reports and deliverables for submission to the sponsor.
The Award Closeout process is a collaborative effort between investigators, administrators, and Grants and Contracts. Failure to submit reports by the deadline can result in suspension of the university from receipt of additional funding, reimbursement for current costs, and ability to submit future proposals. The University closeout procedures were developed to ensure that all sponsor requirements are met in accordance with federal Uniform Guidance standards.
Closeout Heading link
Best Practices Heading link