IBC Education & Training
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Online Biosafety Training – A new course titled “Online Biosafety Training” is being introduced for researchers who work with biological materials such as human and non-human primate materials, infectious agents, viral vectors, recombinant or synthetic nucleic acid molecules, and biological toxins. This course must be renewed every 3 years.
Bloodborne Pathogens — Federal regulations (OSHA Standard 29 CFR 1910.1030) require that all personnel with occupational exposure to blood or other potentially infectious materials which includes all unfixed human cells, cell lines or tissues undergo mandatory bloodborne pathogen training on an annual basis.
Shipping — The International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulates shipping by air and the Department of Transportation (DOT) regulates shipping by ground. Both agencies require that all personnel that will be shipping potentially infectious biological agents undergo mandatory training. Note: Personnel wishing to ship material classified as a select agent must follow the select agent regulations and all shipments of materials must be conducted through the responsible official.
Receiving shipments — All personnel receiving potentially infectious biological agents must follow the guidelines for receiving these agents. View guidelines. Note: Personnel wishing to receive material classified as a select agent must follow the select agent regulations and all receipt of materials must be conducted through the responsible official.
Select Agent — Federal regulations (42 CFR Part 73 & 42 CFR Part 1003 and 7 CFR Part 331 & 9 CFR Part 121) require that all personnel that work with or that are in possession of select agents undergo mandatory select agent training on an annual basis.
Fulfilling the Requirements
The course addresses awareness of biohazards, risk assessment, key risk management principles, and compliance requirements for working with biological materials. This course is mandatory for anyone listed as Principal Investigator or personnel on an IBC protocol. Training must be renewed every 3 years.
1. “Introduction to Laboratory Safety” Training
2. “Introduction on Receiving Hazardous Materials” training if you receive (sign off) packages containing biological materials.
Please Complete the following steps to register.
1. Go to SciShield
2. Login in with your University NetID and Password
3. Select Training
4. Select Course Directory
For questions, contact biosafety@uic.edu.
Fulfilling the Requirements
The following instructions are for accessing the UIC/EHSO on-line training modules:
Bloodborne Pathogens and Needlestick Prevention is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) for all researchers, students, faculty and staff working in laboratories with potentially infectious materials. This training must be completed annually. The course is mandatory for all Principal Investigators of a BSL2 or higher IBC protocol.
Who needs to take?
Individual who can reasonably be anticipated to come into contact with bloodborne pathogens, human blood, blood products, or other potentially infectious materials, including human or nonhuman primate cell lines, tissue, or organs, as a result of doing their jobs.
Getting Started
Note: In-class Introduction to BBP training and annual BBP refresh training are replaced with this training.
Please be aware that training must be completed annually.
Complete the following steps to register for and access the Online training course.
- Go to uic.scishield.com
- Login in with your University NetID and Password
- Select Training
- Select Course Directory
- Select Bloodborne Pathogen and Needlestick Prevention Training for Research
- Click on Launch Course
Please note that training must be taken during the normal business hours, 9 am – 5 pm, Monday – Friday. If you have any questions for the BBP training contents while taking the training, please call 312-996-6873 or 312-413-7424. For other general questions, contact Biosafety at biosafety@uic.edu. - Complete the Course
- The course has built in questions as you proceed through the topics. Complete the questions and click on Submit Responses
- Once course has been completely reviewed, the system will indicate that the course has been completed and you’ll be able to take a quiz to receive a training certificate for the course.
- If you have questions concerning the training content or campus requirements, please email biosafety@uic.edu with questions.
Verification of Training
Following the successful completion of the course, the SciShield Safety Database will generate a certificate of completion. You will be able to save and print this certificate. The database will store a digital record of the completed training and a copy of the certificate for later use.
- Complete Shipping Hazardous Materials Training Course
Instructions:- Register for Course on EHSO website.
- Training is offered every two months in Central Management Training is in classroom and last two hours
- Training expires every two years
- Provide copy of training certification to IBC upon completion
Select Agents
Contact the Environmental Health and Safety Office (312-996-7411) for additional training dates and information
Steps for Biosafety Level 3 Personnel Requirements
For specific questions on these requirements, please contact the Biosafety Office (biosafety@uic.edu)
Step 1 – Submit Infection Agent Work Form to Biosafety Office
Step 2 – Complete Initial Biosafety Level 3 Training with Biosafety Office
Step 3 – Complete Medical Surveillance for COVID19.
Step 4 – Personnel can be approved on relevant ACC protocol, if applicable.
Step 5 – Complete training on facility overview, entry/exit, and PPE donning/doffing
Step 6 – Complete Hands-on Training (40 hours)
Step 7 – Once all training has been completed, the trainer must sign the appropriate section(s) of the “Verification of Training” form and submit to the Biosafety Office.
Step 8 – IBC personnel can be approved on relevant IBC protocol. (Biosafety Officer must approve this modification).
Step 9 – Facility access must be authorized by the Biosafety Office.
NOTE: It is best to submit separate modifications for BSL3/ABSL3 personnel additions since the requirements listed above may take time to complete.