Researcher, Scholar, and Inventor of the Year Awards Reception RSVP

The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and the Office of Technology Management cordially invite you to attend a reception in honor of the recipients of the Researcher, Scholar, and Inventor of the Year awards 2019.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020
3:30 – 6:00 p.m.
Michele M. Thompson Rooms
UIC Student Center West
828 South Wolcott Avenue

RSVP to by February 28, 2020. For further information, please call MaryFrances Miley at (312) 996-9969.

Parking is available in the Wood Street Parking Structure, located on Wood Street just south of Taylor Street. Parking is free to those with valid parking assignments.

Student Center West is also serviced by the UIC shuttle bus and the CTA.

RSVP Heading link