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Template Agreements
Externally Sponsored Clinical Trials
- Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (ACTA)
- Investigator-Initiated Accelerated Clinical Trial Agreement (PI Initiated ACTA)
- Reciprocal Non-Disclosure Agreement
- Open Letter to our Sponsors for Clinical Trials provides a summary of the most common provisions negotiated in clinical trial agreements. UIC, like other public research universities, is subject to an increasing number of state and federal regulations that are unique to higher education. As a result, most contracts provided by our sponsors require revisions before we can legally sign them.
See guidance for Routing to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and best practice advise on ensuring concurrent review by OSP, the Clinical Research Finance Office (CRFO) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB).
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Coverage Analysis Forms
Clinical Research Finance Office (CRFO) Forms
- Coverage Analysis Template
- Coverage Analysis Amendment Summary (updated: April 2024)