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The Principal investigator (“PI”) has the primary responsibility for ensuring the appropriate billing of clinical items, procedures and services required by a research study. The PI must ensure that there is clear and consistent language in the approved protocol, informed consent form (ICF), and the clinical trial agreement(CTA)/budget regarding the responsibility (sponsor or study participant) for research related services and standard of care services (routine costs). A research study must have a budget that accurately and appropriately allocates the costs associated with the performance of the research study to the responsible payer (i.e., a sponsor, grant, internal funding source, or study participant).

In order to ensure costs are allocated to the appropriate entity, the PI or designee must provide an Itemized Study Budget for industry, non-profit, university, federal, or internally sponsored studies, detailing all items, procedures and services required by the research study.  Once an itemized study budget is received, a coverage analysis must be performed. PIs are responsible for ensuring that the  Coverage Analyses for their studies are completed.


When is a Coverage Analysis/Itemized Study Budget Required?

  • All Human subject research acknowledged by the UIC IRB by designation of a UIC protocol number and which utilize services or resources provided by the University of Illinois Hospital and Clinics, UIC College of Medicine office-based clinics, Mile Square Health Center, or Ryan White Infectious Disease Clinics (this includes both inpatient and outpatient services, including but not limited to ancillary services such as clinic visits, professional medical services, medical supplies, lab, pharmacy services, and imaging, whether for research purposes or standard of care) is required to have a Coverage Analysis and Itemized Study Budget.

What is a Coverage Analysis?

  • A Coverage Analysis is an independent review of clinical research protocols to determine which clinical tests, procedures and interventions are billable to third-party payers and which are not.  It is a systematic review of clinical trial documents (including but not limited to, research protocol, consent document, clinical trial agreement, and budget) published practice guidelines, and billing rules, regulations, and guidance to determine the billing status of each item/service that are required by the clinical research protocol.