Epic Research Tools Resources
Getting Accesss to Epic Heading link
Getting Hospital Access Checklist
Epic Access Process

AR -Access Requestor
ARF – Access Request Form
UIHHR – UI Health HR Department
LMS – UI Health Learning Management System
Access Requestor List
Only Hospital Access Requestors can access the Access Request Form (ARF) and request access to applications. If you do not know your AR, please contact us at ordi2@uic.edu.
Getting Research to Epic Heading link
Getting Your Research Study in Epic
As soon as you have received an UIC IRB protocol number after submitting your study to the UIC IRB, submit the Epic Study Build Request.
Add Checklist
Consent Information
External Monitoring
External Monitoring Information
Lab Submitter
Access Epic Data Heading link
FHIR Request
UIC FHIR allows researchers to build a program (IRB approved) to pull real time Epic health data.
The Clinical Data Interoperability Services (CDIS) via EPIC module is a feature that allows REDCap projects to connect directly to an electronic health record (EHR) system, and pull selected clinical information from the EHR into the REDCap.
Other Tools Heading link
I2b2 Quickset
Preparatory to research, can provide evidence of potential cohort size to power studies with patient data available for extract from the CRDW, dating back to 1/1/2010. Complete CCTS training: https://training.ccts.uic.edu/Course/CourseDet.
Provide an easy comparison of patient subgroups. i.e. comparison of lung function between current smokers and former smokers with a diagnosis of COPD. For access, please contact your access requestor, if you do not know your requestor, contact us.
Cosmos brings together data from hundreds of organizations across the Epic community to form the universe’s largest database of EHR patient information.
Flowsheets or SMART Forms can be built for research/clinical data collection to enter data easily into Epic
Printing from CoM workstations
Resources for printing stations
Functionality Tips
Quick tips for RC
Quick tips for RC
ADT Notifications
Study coordinators and principal investigators may want to know when a patient associated with their study is admitted to the hospital, transfers or discharged. Automated event notifications are sent to users’ Epic In Basket. Research notifications are currently sent for patient appointment status, ED arrival, admission, abnormal lab result, and postmortem. Below is an example of the default parameters for ED arrival. The system utilizes the study’s Status Effective Date, Active Statues, Completed Statues, and Lookback days. Generally, ADT events are system wide setting, but can be configured at the study level. To request a change, please submit an application enhancement request on the IS Self-Service Portal.
Epic Research Updates Heading link
Research Updates Annual Presentation
Epic Research updates presented at the annual CCTS Best Practice Hour.
Epic Research Newsletter
Annual Newsletter
9/12/23 - Reminder: Get Ready to Upgrade - Epic Hyperdrive
Epic Hyperdrive Update is Coming September 13th!
Here’s what you and your staff need to know to prepare, please share this information with them at an upcoming meeting or huddle:
- Town Hall Sessions are available to see important changes and ask questions
- Staff can self-enroll in a 16-minute eLearning program that covers details about Hyperdrive
- The Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard is now available in Epic for everyone to see all Hyperdrive changes
- The PLYground will be updated with Hyperdrive on 8/29/23
- Superusers have been getting training and information about what’s changing in their area so they can support their co-workers
All this information, with additional details, can be found on the UI Health Intranet here:
7/24/23 - Hyperdrive 2023 Epic Upgrade: Research Top Changes Presentation Recording & Reminders
Communicate the Epic Upgrade Date: Wednesday, September 13
- Review the Top Changes presentation recording here: https://uic.my.uperform.com/#/content/ee0380a6da4340d0a47d3a2a3465f052_en-U
- Review additional top changes presentations to prepare for system changes on the UI Health intranet: https://intranet.uimcc.uic.edu/ISTraining/SitePages/Upgrade%20Videos.aspx
- Starting August 15, review the Epic Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard for all upgrade education/information:
- Press F1 on your keyboard to launch your Learning Home Dashboard
- Research Upgrade Job Aid: provides details for Provider changes that come with our Epic upgrade. We have a new Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard where all upgrade documentation is located. Users can access the Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard from the Shared Application Information section. From the Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard, Research resources are located in the Nursing/Clinical section under the Research heading – see below for screenshot.
- Review the Top Changes presentation recording here: https://uic.my.uperform.com/#/content/ee0380a6da4340d0a47d3a2a3465f052_en-U
6/26/23 - Epic 2023 Research Updates
- Epic to REDCap via FHIR is now available
- SMART FORMs, and Flowsheets can be built
- Epic can restrict finds to research participants
Future developments to watch for next year.
- Electronic research consent in Epic
- Pilot project of using MyChart for research enrollment
3/28/23 - Humana Health Insurance Termination Begins on May 1st
Dear Researchers,
Humana is terminating their contract with UI Health begins on May 1st, however, if a provider decides that a patient has an illness that needs to be seen at UI Health, we will be able to see that patient until May 31st. No Humana patients will be seen after May 31st (with the exception of transplant patients).
This impacts patients that are enrolled to clinical trials. For trial related services on patients that have the Medicare Advantage product, this change will not impact those if the service is billable to insurance as it would be billed to Medicare versus the Medicare Advantage (MA) product. However, non-MA patients and for items that bill to insurance related to services outside of the study (MA patients and commercial patients) related to ongoing clinical care needs (labs, imaging, etc.), UI Health will not be able to provide those services unless Humana provides specific approval to do so which means each case would have to follow an out of network flow becoming extremely resource intense.
For more information, please see attached Humana Termination slices and letter to patients.
1/13/23 - INFO: 2023 Research Office Hours
IS Education has transitioned to using the LMS (uihealth.netdimensions.com) for managing Research Office Hours registration for 2023. The direct link to Research Office Hours in the LMS can be found here: https://uihealth.netdimensions.com/uic/servlet/ekp?CID=EKP000009288&LANGUAGE_TAG=0&TX=FORMAT1&POPUP=N&PX=N&USERID=&SK=&DECORATEPAGE=Y&PTX=.
The link to office hours has been updated on the What’s New section on the Research Learning Home Dashboard in Epic to direct Research users to the Research Office Hours registration in the LMS.
12/5/22 - Epic Immersion Visit
Dear Researchers,
The Research R&D team at Epic is looking for opportunities to shadow research users as they perform workflows in Epic. By seeing what you do and the context in which you do it, R&D staff can create software that is more intuitive and easier for you to use. The goal is to observe how our organization conducts Research, including the care delivered, people’s interactions with each other, and the use of the software. This helps Epic developers gain insight into how users interact with the system, which allows them to design better software.
Epic R&D team is interested in shadowing any recruitment or consenting workflows you perform in Epic, linking encounters or orders to studies, and other workflows that your teams perform frequently for research. Immersion FAQs and a sample trip agenda are attached.
If you are interested in participating, please contact us at ordi2@uic.edu.
12/1/22 - Research Studies will be visible in MyChart for research participants
Dear Researchers,
This is to inform you that on Monday, December 12, UIH will be enabling the display of Research Study enrollment to participants in MyChart.
Why is this change important to me?
Patients that are associated to a study within Epic will now be able to view their enrollments from within a new section in MyChart labeled “Research Studies.” Patients will see the names of the studies they are associated to, their enrollment status in those studies, the IRB-approved description, the PI, and Research Coordinators’ names. See example screenshot below.
What is the operational impact?
Please be aware that this could potentially result in some patients reaching out if they see an inaccurate study status within MyChart. If this occurs, enrollment statuses can be updated to correct this, and will update the display to the patient in MyChart as well. For Cancer Center studies utilizing OnCore, enrolment updates in OnCore will flow through to Epic and reflect in MyChart. For studies outside the Cancer Center, enrollment status can be updated directly in Epic through the Research Studies activity, and will also reflect in MyChart.
Questions: Please submit a IS Self Service Ticket using the IS Self Service Portal (https://uic.service-now.com/sp) and the IS team will follow up with you.
10/26/22 - INFO: November 2022 Epic Upgrade: Research Top Changes Presentation & Job Aide
Dear Researchers,
As a reminder, our upgrade date is November 10. Planned downtime for this upgrade event is November 10 12:01am – 2:01am CDT.
Please see below for the presentation and where the upgrade job aid can be found and a few follow-ups:
- Research Upgrade Top Changes Presentation: a quick 9 minute video covers the top changes that will come with the upgrade. The direct link to the recording can be found here: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/707df5fd-4935-4658-9325-cf10bd916a44
- In Basket Upgrade eLearnings will be assigned to all Epic users tomorrow. There are three 3 minute videos that walk through the In Basket changes. Please encourage your staff to review the eLearnings to gain knowledge about the In Basket changes.
- Epic customization (Smart Tools editing and creation, toolbar customization, is locked down approximately 3-5 days before upgrade
- After upgrade, it will be Epic customization is unlocked for users
- Learning Home Dashboards can now be launched by pressing F1 (Mac user Fn+F1) on your keyboard. This saves time navigating to the Learning Home Dashboard.
- Research Upgrade Job Aid: provides details for the changes that come with the upgrade. We have a new Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard where all upgrade documentation is located. Users can access the Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard from the Shared Application Information section. From the Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard, provider resources are located in the Nursing/Clinical section – see below for screenshot.
- Need help locating your Learning Home Dashboard? Access review the Learning Home Dashboard Tip Sheet (https://uofi.box.com/s/0ftei5vnfthlvb62gxfs4rlqqpsnr5l3)
8/18/22 - Epic update for future and standing orders
Dear Researchers,
On Monday, August 22, the future and standing orders functionality will being updated in Epic to clearly communicate to phlebotomy when lab draws should occur. This change affects ambulatory orders and inpatient orders placed at discharge.
How does this change impact my workflow?
- A new, optional question, “Does this order need to be drawn within a specific time frame? If so, click yes, ensure an Expected Date is chosen and enter a Grace Period” has been added to lab orders to assist with communication to phlebotomy. This question defaults to “no.” When “Yes” is selected for the question, the Grace Period cascades in for providers to indicate the grace period.
- Please Note: The Expected Date and Expires questions have not change. Expected Date is the date you expect the patient to present for the lab draw. Expires is how long the order remains active and actionable in Epic.
- In addition to the change above, discrete intervals are now available for Standing orders. If the desired interval does not exist in the interval field, select Other (specify) for the Grace Period field to indicate the interval.
Why is this change important to me?
This change allows you to communicate more precisely with the lab around when you would like outpatient labs drawn.
What is the operational impact?
Providers will be able to better communicate with the lab when they want lab orders drawn.
Patients presenting to outpatient lab will have their labs drawn for the correct order.
Where can I find information about this change?
The Quick Start Guide – Orders and Outpatient and Physician – Medications and Orders quick start guides on your Learning Home Dashboard provides additional information about these future order updates.
Need help locating your Learning Home Dashboard? Access the Review the Learning Home Dashboard Tip Sheet (https://uofi.box.com/s/0ftei5vnfthlvb62gxfs4rlqqpsnr5l3)
Questions: Please submit a IS Self Service Ticket using the IS Self Service Portal (https://uic.service-now.com/sp) and the IS Education team will follow up with you.
5/2/22 - INFO: May 2022 Epic Upgrade: Research Top Changes Presentation & Quick Start Guide
As a reminder, our upgrade date is May 12. Planned downtime for this upgrade event is May 12 12:01am – 2:01am CDT.
Please see below for the presentation and where the upgrade job aid can be found and a few follow-ups:
- Research Upgrade Top Changes Presentation: a quick 13 minute video covers the top changes that will come with the upgrade. The direct link to the recording can be found here: https://web.microsoftstream.com/video/db1184f9-a7fe-46f0-ac66-77d332779a5f
- Research Upgrade Job Aid: provides details for the changes that come with the upgrade. We have a new Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard where all upgrade documentation is located. Users can access the Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard from the Shared Application Information section. From the Upgrade Learning Home Dashboard, provider resources are located in the Nursing/Clinical section – see below for screenshot.
- Need help locating your Learning Home Dashboard? Access review the Learning Home Dashboard Tip Sheet (https://uofi.box.com/s/0ftei5vnfthlvb62gxfs4rlqqpsnr5l3)
- Follow Ups:
- Information on the Patient Navigator Training (must be on a hospital computer or logged on to hospital VPN for the link to work) – this includes the enrolling in the eLearnings and the live Zoom sessions (tomorrow, April 29 is the last day!): https://intranet.uimcc.uic.edu/ISTraining/SitePages/Patient%20Access%20Navigator%20Training.aspx
- Register for the eLearning: https://uihealth.netdimensions.com/uic/servlet/ekp?PX=N&TEACHREVIEW=N&PTX=&CID=EKP000008488&TX=FORMAT1&LANGUAGE_TAG=0&DECORATEPAGE=N
- Bobby Scott’s contact information for additional BCA binders: https://www.uic.edu/apps/find-people/search?netid=rascott
- Please Note: Beginning Monday, May 9, users will have limited access to SmartTools. This means that users will not be able to create new or edit existing SmartTools (SmartText, SmartLists, etc.) until after the upgrade occurs. Existing SmartTools will still be accessible during this time.
1/12/22 - Epic Update: Happy Together in EpicCare
EpicCare Link Users,
Over the next few weeks, UI Health will turn on Happy Together in EpicCare Link. This allows easy to access all of your EpicCare Link accounts from one location.
Why is this important to me?
If you have a have EpicCare Link accounts with more than one organization, you can log in to one of those Link accounts and use the Happy Together Link activity to see and access their other Link accounts without having to reenter multiple usernames and passwords.
When you open Happy Together Link for the first time, a message appears guiding you on how to use it.
How does this impact my workflow?
The change allows for a more seamless EpicCare Link experience for users who have EpicCare Link accounts at multiple organizations.
What is the operational impact?
Anyone user MyChart or EpicCare link will have UI Health combined with other organizations. You might get questions about other organizations as the differences will be less apparent in the new interface.
Where can I find information about this change?
Please review the What’s New section on your Learning Home Dashboard to locate the tip sheet.
Questions: Please reach out to your EpicCare Link liaison (who set up your EpicCare Link account) or email carelink@uic.edu with your questions.
10/4/21 - Epic Update: Changes to the Research Ordering Process on October 13
UI Health Colleagues,
The ordering process for Research Orders will change on October 13 with the Epic Upgrade.
The current research ordering process for research staff to pend orders will be replaced with second sign functionality.
How does this change impact my workflow?
Research Coordinators will enter orders for clinical services provided for a research study (a “research order”) and Research Investigators (Providers) will sign the research orders via the Second Sign Needed In Basket folder. This process is used when Research Coordinators are queuing up orders on behalf of a Research Investigator.
These orders are not active until the Research Investigators (Providers) second signs the orders.
- Note: this replaces the current pending research orders process.
Why is this change important to me?
This change is important as it is a change in workflow.
- Research Coordinators will enter orders and send them to Research Investigators (Providers) by entering them as a required Second Signer.
- Research Investigators (Providers) will sign the orders via the Second Sign Needed In Basket folder.
What is the operational impact?
- Research orders will be easier to enter (fewer steps, clearer process)
- Orders will appear in a more logical location for provider signature.
Where can I find information about this change?
- Please review the Research Upgrade What’s New Document available on the What’s New component on the Research Learning Home Dashboard.
- Need help locating your Learning Home Dashboard? Access review the Learning Home Dashboard Tip Sheet (https://uofi.box.com/s/0ftei5vnfthlvb62gxfs4rlqqpsnr5l3)
Questions: Please submit a IS Self Service Ticket using the IS Self Service Portal (https://uic.service-now.com/sp) and the IS Education team will follow up with you.
7/26/21 - Epic Update: New Research Prior Authorization/Copay Education on Learning Home Dashboards
UI Health Colleagues,
Research studies can involve visits which are the patient’s financial responsibility and follow normal scheduling/authorization procedures.
However, research studies may also involve visits which are paid by the research study and are not the patient’s financial responsibility. Visits that are paid by the research study should not be preauthorized and a copay should not be collected.
How does this change impact my workflow?
Researchers will need to add a new SmartPhrase (RESEARCHCOPAYAUTHWAIVER) in the Add Comments field for research orders that are not the patient’s financial responsibility.
Front Desk Staff will look for the following note, “Research –do not collect copay and do not preauthorize, research study paying for appointment (UIC IRB# XXXX-XXXX)” in the order comments when scheduling or checking in a research patient.
Why is this change important to me?
The updated workflows will prevent patients from being preauthorized and have copays collected when their visits are paid for by the research study.
What is the operational impact?
Where can I find information about this change?
- Please review the Research Prior Authorization/Copay Tip Sheet on the Shared Application Information Component under the Referrals heading on your Learning Home Dashboard to complete this workflow.
- Need help locating your Learning Home Dashboard? Access review the Learning Home Dashboard Tip Sheet (https://uofi.box.com/s/0ftei5vnfthlvb62gxfs4rlqqpsnr5l3)
Questions: Please submit an IS Self Service Ticket using the IS Self Service Portal (https://uic.service-now.com/sp). The IS Education team will follow up with you once the ticket has been received.
5/4/21 - SlicerDicer Announcement
UI Health Providers,
SlicerDicer training is finally here!
Two SlicerDicer training programs have been created in the Learning Management System (LMS):
- SlicerDicer for Access & Revenue Applications
- SlicerDicer for Clinical Applications
Users should request the program that best relates to their Epic Role.
Each program consists of class recordings and an Exercise Booklet containing scenarios for various roles. Those who complete the training are given the option to register for one of the monthly Open Lab sessions hosted by the Reporting/Business Intelligence team, where users can ask questions and view additional scenarios not covered during training.
Why is SlicerDicer training important to me?
- SlicerDicer training will enable users to become more self-sufficient by exploring data on their own and coming up with their own insights from that data. Users will not only find that SlicerDicer is easy to use, but that it also allows them to pull more actionable data in a shorter time frame.
Are there any requirements that must be met in order to request Slicer Dicer training?
- Completion of the Cogito Reporting Power User training program is a prerequisite for each of the SlicerDicer training programs. Users must also have SlicerDicer access in the Epic PRD Hyperspace environment.
Please note: Only specific Epic Roles have access to SlicerDicer. If you do not have access but believe your role should, please submit an incident for the Reporting team in the IS Self-Service Portal prior to requesting training.
Approximately how long will it take to complete one of the SlicerDicer training programs?
- SlicerDicer for Access & Revenue Applications: 54 minutes
- Slicer Dicer for Clinical Applications: 35 minutes
Please note: Times listed are approximate; they do not include time spent practicing scenarios using the Exercise Booklet, as this can vary by user.
Where can I find information about how to request training?
- Please review the Cogito Reporting & Analytics page on the hospital Intranet for instructions on how to request training as well as how to register for the optional Open Lab session.
Please note: SlicerDicer training completion is required in order to register for an Open Lab. Failure to complete training prior to registration will result in the user’s registration being declined.