UIC Research system coming soon for Animal Care Committee
The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and the Office of Institutional Animal Care and Biosafety is pleased to announce that we will transition to an electronic IACUC protocol management system later this year. Once this system is available, all Animal Care Committee (ACC) protocols will be created within UIC Research IACUC. You will receive submission updates, clarification requests, approval notices, expiration reminders, etc. all within the system.
There are significant benefits to an electronic protocol management system. For example, those with Animal Care Committee protocols will be able to:
- Reuse and collaborate on substances, procedures, and experiments within your protocol.
- Open, edit, create and submit protocols online anywhere, anytime (brief regular maintenance periods excepted).
- Always have up-to-date protocols, with approved changes automatically incorporated.
- No more version control tracking as with current documents. The researchers and ACC reviewers will review the current version of the protocol and the amendments within the system.
- Save time and reduce burden with the user-friendly SmartForm.
- Track protocol status in real-time from submission through approval all through the UIC Research Dashboard.
- Ensure that all protocol procedures, details, treatments, personnel, etc. are approved.
- All protocol personnel will be able to review the final version of the protocol/modifications, which will ensure compliance with the approved details and requirements.
The implementation will be late July. Additional updates and information about training sessions, changes to ACC processes in order to transition to the new system, and detailed guidances will be sent out by email and posted on the OVCR and OACIB websites over the coming months.
Contact us at oacib@uic.edu for any questions.