Planning Awards to Develop and Support UIC Institutes for Interdisciplinary Research

Overview Heading link
Research today requires interdisciplinary approaches in order to address the complex challenges facing society. Last spring, we invited proposals for planning awards to develop a small number of new university research institutes at UIC. We were overwhelmed by the many outstanding proposals submitted, representing 600 faculty and every college.
part 2 Heading link
Successful proposals were interdisciplinary and involved multiple departments and Colleges; had leadership composed of mid- career or senior faculty from more than one College who had a strong track record of externally sponsored research awards; leveraged UIC strengths; had a self-sustaining funding model within 4 years; and were characterized by a well-defined mission and vision expressed in a plan that was aligned with the larger strategic aspirations and goals of the campus.
winners Heading link
We are delighted to announce four proposals have been selected for further development. These teams may receive up to $2M each over the next four years to expand interdisciplinary research efforts that could not be achieved by any one individual, department, college or discipline, and create collective research efforts that are greater than the sum of their parts.
Planning Awards Heading link

Addiction and Mental Health
“Addictions in Context, Advancing Interventions”
Led by faculty from Applied Health Sciences, Center for Clinical and Translational Science, College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of Medicine, College of Pharmacy, Jane Addams College of Social Work and School of Public Health.
More information coming soon.

Energy and the Environment
“Advanced Materials for Green Energy Sustainability”
Led by faculty from College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and the Institute for Environmental Science and Policy.
More information coming soon.

Functional Materials Sciences
“Functional and Regenerative Materials”
Led by faculty from College of Dentistry, College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences and College of Medicine.
More information coming soon.

Visual Sciences
“Translational Vision Science and Technology”
Led by faculty from College of Dentistry, College of Engineering, College of Liberal Arts & Sciences, College of Medicine and College of Pharmacy.
More information coming soon.