Policies & Guidances

Disposal of Controlled Substances Heading link

The DEA registrant is responsible for inventory disposal (e.g., controlled substances obtained from a supplier pursuant to an order). They must follow 21 CFR 1317.05(b). Most commonly this is through a reverse distributor. In this case, you are given an invoice and official reverse distribution record recognized by the DEA that indicates the items and quantities shipped to the reverse distributor and, therefore, removed from your inventory. If destroyed on site, there is an official DEA Form 41 that is completed. Pharmacy cannot take back controlled substances.

More explanation can be found here: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2014/09/09/2014-20926/disposal-of-controlled-substances

Please reach out to CScompliance@uic.edu for contact information on UIC’s reverse distributor.